Bibles, Brevilles and Butters!

I’m back again!

So I think a little update about my week is needed – not the hospital stuff though. Let’s start with how the mission is going. So if you haven’t read my post called ‘End of First Mission. Bring on Mission Two!’, then get on with it! Otherwise, you will remember that it’s about my Christian journey and sowing the seed for good habits that will strengthen my faith. I have been reading all about the Gospels since Sunday (the Gospels are the stories of Jesus’ actions and how he showed himself to the world – the chapters of Mark, Matthew, John and Luke) and have been Googling the history behind the authors. I think it’s important to do a little bit of research on the authors because it makes confusing verses make sense.

Bible Study!

Bible Study!

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As well as that, I have been praying day and night, everyday but I must admit that yesterday was a minor blip. I forgot to pray the whole day and when I did remember, I still wasn’t focused. It’s so easy to forget to appreciate Him when you get wrapped up in your day. I went to a birthday dinner which went fine but I did feel a little out of sorts because I only knew the birthday girl and my best friend. Some would say I’m quite social but that’s not always the case as I can be shy in new situations and it takes me a while to warm up. So when I got home, I felt odd – not happy but not sad either. It just made my head a little fuzzy so I forgot to pray. I definitely did pray today though and will make sure I don’t forget before bed.

I have also signed up to get various motivational emails regarding ‘the word of the day’ (as in a verse from the bible lol) and different teachings that help you to apply Jesus’ teachings to your own life. I have really enjoyed this part because it’s very uplifting and it’s good to see different viewpoints regarding the same verse. Although the Christian community have the same foundation of beliefs, we are still human so our own personal experiences help shape the different ways we see the Bible.

Doing this mission has made me review the way I do things. Sometimes I jump right in the deep end without thinking about my actions and the effects of my actions. It makes me realise how judgemental I can be. I really want to forgive and forget – no more grudges. My usual excuse would be if you are offensive to me or my loved ones, I’m going to come for you (not literally hunt you down but you will feel the wrath in some way lol). I’m going to try my best to separate my feelings when a situation threatens to rub me up the wrong way. It won’t happen quickly. It’s definitely going to take me a LONG time to get comfortable with it. Ugh! I’ve lost friendships over it and hurt the loved ones that I’ve tried to protect because of it. But as long as I try… Ugh!

Okay, enough about the mission. I bought myself a proper smoothie maker! Yay for me! It’s not a Nutribullet though. A friend of mine recommended a Breville Blender because she has a Nutribullet but her other friend has the Breville and she couldn’t see much difference. Well, she helped me save a lot of money because so far no complaints! I am obsessed with it! I love making odd concoctions at any time of the day! Haha! Today, I put broccoli in my smoothie. Was not my favourite ingredient but I made it work by squeezing in berries and cherries (that rhymes!). Was so nice!


Another thing is I really want to change my body shape but I want to do it slowly and effectively. I have been researching different exercises and reading up on how other people managed to achieve their fitness goals. If you are into fitness, you may have heard of @LyzabethLopez on Instagram or Facebook. She is the founder of the ‘Hourglass Workout’ and her body is testimony to her craft! Her body is phenomenal. Anyway, she was doing a Q&A on Snapchat and she addressed bloating – one of my problems. She mentioned that switching up the foods you eat on a daily basis will reduce the chances of bloating. She says that if you eat the same thing every day, your body develops sensitivities to these foods and bloating can be one of the symptoms. I think this makes sense because, as you know, I have been trying different approaches to weight loss including my diet and ever since I’ve changed it up, I haven’t been bloated.

Also, my cravings seem to be under control but I wanted something in the house in case it started up again. A lot of fitness people I follow on Instagram always talk about almond butter. Now, I do not like peanut butter but I’m one of those people who will eat anything if it is good for me. I decided to try almond butter because of the following pros:

  • Taste is subtle
  • Good for the heart
  • Small amount of salt
  • Can be eaten on bread or it can be added to a smoothie
  • High protein source
  • Can help to lower cholesterol
  • It’s ideal for a healthy balanced diet and supports weight-loss

So now I have developed an addiction to almond butter! I got myself a tub on Wednesday and finished it today! It’s been two days! The addiction is so real that I had eggs alongside a smoothie AND almond butter on a crumpet. All for breakfast. That is not right lol. Got myself two more tubs and I have promised myself to eat it in moderation. Gosh! (P.s – almond butter on a Warburton’s crumpet washed down with smoothie or coconut water is just heaven on earth.)

So L U S H!

So L U S H!


I’ve also changed up my gym routine again. The HIIT has finally increased to 20 minutes, changed up the ab routine – we have started using a TRX (get to know) and we have started doing sit-ups at an incline. I also managed 4 press-ups which is such an improvement to my half press-up the other day! I also managed two sets of pull-ups, ten in each set and still assisted. My gym partner managed to decrease the amount of weights to assist her. We are definitely progressing in the best way possible, I’m so proud of us. We didn’t go to gym today so I completed a 15 minute skipping HIIT workout that mashed me right up. Its from @thebodycoach who is also amazing to follow if you are into eating well and making the most out of your workouts. Here’s the link:

Lastly, thank you to those who sent me messages to see if I’m okay (see previous post). I still need to get myself a massage so hopefully that will help with stress management!

Okay, one more post to go!

~Nay x

When you are grateful, fear disappears & abundance appears

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1 Response to Bibles, Brevilles and Butters!

  1. TheFeelingsWrite says:

    So proud of you sis xxx


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